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All about Goats!

Did you know Nigerian Dwarf goats are a miniature dairy goat breed that are highly adaptable to any climate?

Their milk is also higher in protein & butterfat than the milk from most dairy goat breeds, despite their smaller size.

Did You Know...


Did you know goats do not have upper front teeth, but a dental pad instead that helps them grasp and tear off plant material?


Did you know goats are what we call "browsers"? Instead of grazing only on grass low to the ground, goats will browse as far up as the can reach! Fresh or crunchy leaves, pine needles, bark, grasses, and many unwanted weeds! Even poison ivy!


Did you know that goats are what we call "ruminants" which is an animal with a 4-chambered stomach, that helps them be able to digest tough plant materials like leaves and bark of a tree?

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